A new software solution can’t drive value if, between onboarding and troubleshooting, it soaks up all your time (and patience). Ternary’s multi-cloud FinOps platform is intuitive and simple to configure.

Over a series of blog posts, we’ll explain how we uniquely deliver value on the first day you implement our FinOps platform. For example, our intuitive, flexible cloud cost labels help you access savings and profit-boosting insights right from the start. Rest assured, you can easily fine-tune them along the way.

The problem: hard-to-use “solutions” can hinder progress

Take this familiar conundrum: Finance team members want to purchase a cloud cost management solution. But they lack the technical expertise to implement it, and the engineering team is busy with other priorities. So your company faces having to pay for an onboarding consultant from the cloud cost management vendor. 

Such professional services can easily balloon beyond initial budgets and schedules. During this onboarding—which can span weeks or even months—the cloud cost management “solution” isn’t usable, let alone helpful. And, even after it’s operational, your team members may not be able to adjust it for changing business conditions.

Ternary’s solution: user-friendly labels provide insights and savings

But with Ternary’s custom labels, you won’t need a consultant to get started—or to keep scaling. Ternary ingests your cloud billing history and existing cloud cost labels to create an “overlay,” mapping your business’s cloud activity within our platform.

A view of Ternary's cloud cost labels feature, which allows you to access insights about your spend starting on day one.

In our custom labels engine, you can edit your cloud cost labels iteratively and generate immediate results. Team members can track discussions about cloud cost categories and events with commonly understood terminology. As a result, everyone stays informed and aligned.

These features free DevOps team members from the tedious task of managing labels. Instead, they stay focused on the processes and technologies that drive your company’s profits.

Dynamic labels deliver relevant data, in real time

Now, let’s look at the benefits of Ternary’s platform shown in the example below. You can add cloud cost labels (designating the business unit, team, environment, etc.) to projects even after generating billing data. You don’t have to think of every metric ahead of time. Instead, you can go back and add metrics as needs change. In other words, our label management empowers you to visualize, query, and organize costs according to your particular reporting goals, even as those goals evolve.

A view of label management within Ternary’s platform. You can enter an existing label key, existing label values, and custom labels to quickly access insights.

Ternary can analyze terabytes of billing data, and hundreds of millions of dollars in cloud costs, each month. But we know it’s crucial to highlight specific information that matters for each team’s purview (e.g., “cloud cost by business unit” or “compute usage by team”). With Ternary’s flexible cloud cost labels, Finance, Engineering, and FinOps teams can configure the platform according to specific organizational units. That way, they don’t get bogged down in information that’s irrelevant to their goals.

Easy onboarding is part of Ternary’s unique value 

Ternary’s cloud cost label management exemplifies our focus on delivering unparalleled value for our customers. In addition to building products that solve complex business problems for our customers, we make those products easy for customers to implement and customize.

The takeaway: You can onboard Ternary in the morning and deliver reports, dashboards, and insights to your Finance and FinOps teams by the end of the day. Plus, you can change how you use Ternary as your business needs evolve. And you get these immediately impactful, dynamic platform features for one fixed rate, with no overage charges. 

So, if you’re worried that switching platforms will involve a lot of time and hassle, we’re here to set your mind at ease. See how Ternary compares with legacy providers. Or, for a personalized illustration of how Ternary can deliver user-friendly cloud FinOps for your company, book a demo today.