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FinOps, simplified.

Ternary helps you shine a light on your multi-cloud spend so you can save money while accelerating innovation.

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Customers and partners who trust us

Changing your FinOps platform? Cut through the noise, with Ternary.

Ternary recognized as a market leader in FinOps

You know your cloud spend is justified. Can you prove it?

Each team within your organization has a unique view of your cloud finances. Using language they understand, Ternary provides this information to each of your stakeholders, including: 

FinOps teams

FinOps teams now have a blueprint to build cost transparency across their organization: a Rosetta stone to present to any team, in a language they understand.

Managed Service Providers (MSPs)

Ternary helps MSPs build and enhance their FinOps practice and add new tools to their technology stack. Help your customers achieve efficiency in their cloud spend so they have confidence to scale.


Ternary does the heavy lifting to identify issues and opportunities for cost optimizations using AI-powered, human-tunable recommendations so you can focus on building.


Ternary provides a consolidated multi-cloud spend ledger that is constantly up to date for better financial planning and analysis, accounting, and spend management.

Illustrations of Ternary's multi-cloud FinOps platform

Align cloud investments to strategic business initiatives

With our enterprise-grade, industry-leading features, you can:

Know who spent what, when, and where

Empower your teams to make data-driven decisions

Optimize your rates and rightsize your resources

Supercharge collaboration between Finance, Engineering, and FinOps teams

Rackspace partners with Ternary to deliver value to Google Cloud customers

“Ternary is a very well-thought-out cost management platform for GCP—one of the best, from what I’ve seen in the market, and from a feature set standpoint. Ternary is also a very good relation to have overall, if you’re in the GCP business.”

Decisions uses Ternary for a single source of truth across AWS, GCP, and Azure

“Before using Ternary, it would take me hours to analyze our cloud costs. Now, I have a single source of truth for all my cloud spending across Google Cloud, Azure, and AWS. With Alert Tracking, I can instantly identify and investigate cost changes, saving me valuable time and ensuring we meet our growth and margin objectives.”

BetterCloud drives gross-margin reduction with Ternary

“Our cloud infrastructure costs were 17% of non-GAAP revenue. We reduced that down to 8% of non-GAAP revenue with Ternary.”

Don’t overpay for a FinOps solution

Ternary is a team of FinOps leaders and early adopters

The Ternary platform is built by a team of FinOps thought leaders. Half of our team members are early leaders from Cloudability and CloudHealth and our founders were among the first 15 practitioners to be certified by the FinOps Foundation. We have witnessed the evolution from cost management to FinOps. We know where the market has been and we understand where it is going. 


FinOps Certified Practitioners


Years of combined FinOps experience