The FinOps landscape is vast, with more than 70 vendors. If your company is seeking a FinOps solution, it can be difficult to cut through the noise and identify the best solution for your organization. That’s where Ternary’s Ultimate FinOps Buyers Guide can help.

Before you go down the path of writing a Request for Information (RFI) or Request for Proposal (RFP), or kick off an evaluation process, it’s important to understand the types of FinOps tools in the market. Ternary’s Ultimate FinOps Buyers Guide breaks down the differences between cloud service provider consoles, cost management platforms, FinOps-native platforms, point solutions, and do-it-yourself/homegrown solutions.

Beyond tools: scoping your organization’s FinOps needs

Once you have an understanding of the different types of tools, you can then scope the requirements that your organization has for a FinOps tool. Structured to reflect a typical RFx, the Ultimate FinOps Buyers Guide covers the following:

  • General requirements. General requirements (sometimes referred to as business requirements) or a company overview section in an RFx enable you to evaluate the stability, partner ecosystem, and culture of a given vendor.
  • Functional requirements. Functional requirements (also referred to as technical requirements, key criteria, key capabilities, etc.) enable you to assess the technical feasibility of a given solution to meet your desired business objectives. This section of the Ultimate FinOps Buyers Guide aligns closely with the FinOps Framework.
  • Services and support requirements. These enable you to understand a vendor’s customer success offering and what level of support you will receive by purchasing their tool.
  • Security requirements. While these requirements may be captured in a RFx or in a separate security questionnaire, they help you do your due diligence regarding the potential risk associated with implementing a given tool.
  • Pricing. As part of a RFx, you may inquire about a vendor’s pricing strategy or even request a pricing proposal. It’s important to understand the pricing model and any additional costs associated with a solution.

Download your copy of Ternary’s Ultimate FinOps Buyers Guide today to discover strategic and technical questions you should be asking vendors as part of your RFx or evaluation process.