Build vs. buy is a popular discussion topic among FinOps practitioners. Do-it-yourself (DIY)/homegrown solutions are often showcased as enabling successful FinOps journeys within the practitioner community. But DIY isn’t for everyone. Before proceeding down that path, it’s important to understand its key considerations and potential tradeoffs.

As more organizations begin their FinOps journey, they wrestle with whether to build their own solution or buy a third-party FinOps solution. Sometimes, the best answer is both.

FinOps X breakout session breaks down build vs. buy

At this year’s FinOps X in San Diego, attendees will learn more about this topic at the breakout session: “Build vs. buy? Why not both? The Linux Foundation story.” Rudy Grigar, Director of Cloud Services at The Linux Foundation, and Shah Ahmadzai, Cloud FinOps Manager at The Linux Foundation, will present along with Marie Burke, Ternary’s Director of Product Marketing.

The presenters will kick off this session by covering the types of FinOps tools available in the market. They’ll also discuss key considerations for a homegrown solution. These include the cost to build and maintain the solution, as well as staffing, time, complexity, scalability, etc. Then they’ll dive into the FinOps journey of The Linux Foundation.

The Linux Foundation’s story

The Linux Foundation provides a neutral, trusted hub for developers and organizations to code, manage, and scale open technology projects and ecosystems. With 900+ Projects leveraging 12+ clouds, the foundation has experienced firsthand the challenges of managing multi-cloud costs across multiple stakeholders. The joint breakout session with Ternary at FinOps X will highlight why The Linux Foundation hired a full-time resource dedicated to FinOps, what internal tools they have built, and how they incorporate Ternary as part of their tooling ecosystem. 

If you’re attending FinOps X, save time in your schedule to join this breakout session on Thursday, June 20, at 2pm PDT. In the meantime, you can find out more about Ternary’s participation at the event

Not attending FinOps X? No problem. Just bookmark this post and return after June 20 for a recording and highlights.